Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Nissan Leaf - Technological wonder or just a goofy looking car ?

    Well, I can't help myself - here's a photo :

      Isn't it goofy ? And that's not all - at 50.000$, it's an EXPENSIVE GOOFY CAR. Dork-car. And it doesn't offer much in the way of technology. It's fully electric, but that doesn't mean it's a miracle. It gets to about 150km/h and goes about 110km at an average speed of 86km/h. That's stupid. That means that for anything else other than driving around the city, this car is useless. And that fast-charge 440V inlet won't help you. Why ? Well, because you need a 440V outlet. Where are you going to find that in the middle of the motorway ?
      Sincerely I really want people to start making good electric cars that go with 160km/h, but which I don't need to recharge every hour. It will help save the planet...wait! who am I kidding ? These cars pollute more than your average TRUCK. In order to make them, manufacturers need to make the batteries in Japan, the material for which they get from China or whatever, then they get the aluminum and everything else they need prefabricated into chassis and whatnot, or they just transport the aluminum to Japan or South Korea where they actually manufacture the car. After which they need to transport the entire car to your local dealer. See where I'm going with this? They're using a lot of resources transport stuff around the world. And no, they don't have ECO cargo freighters. They're polluting a lot. And besides if you make at least one trip outside the city every year, you need ONE MORE CAR to make that trip, because you can't in this goofy thing. So if you really care about the environment and about your own pocket, stay away from these babies for a bit longer.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Want to turn the airplane around ? Here's HOW

        Let's say the airplane took off...but you realise your grandma is still in the airport and didn't board the plane. OH. MY. GOD! What to do - well you know they won't turn the airplane around just because one of the passengers lost the ride. That would inconvenience 155 other people and besides she already paid for the ticket and won't be getting her money back to hitch another ride. What to do? you start thinking. Well...I can strip naked...
        Of course the background is something I made up on the spot. But the stripping part is true. One guy who was going home on an airplane from Madrid to Frankfurt stripped naked and started getting aggressive. He then  locked himself in the toilet. What can a pilot do in this situation ? Well, he turned the airplane around. I'm sure the passenger was thinking to himself "Mission Impossible ? Accomplished".
        And because he was such a nice guy once the police turned up, he wasn't even arrested :) No one knows though why he did what he did. He wasn't drunk, so he must've had some motive...anyway, here's the full story on Yahoo!News:
German passenger strips naked on flight: airline

        Don't forget to comment!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"When pigs fly" just got a new dimension of realism

     No, there was no mutant pig born with wings, and no, neither any Nazi experiment came to life. And despite the title, this isn't about pigs flying. It's about something a lot bigger. A bear flew...and killed two canadians.
     Apparently in an extra-freaky accident, a bear was crossing the street just happy that he finished eating dinner a couple of minutes before, when, he was hit by a car. Well, nothing freaky here. Yea, while usually animals hit by cars don't fly...this one did...into another car's windshield. And it didn't just stop there, it flew right through the car, killing the driver and a man sitting behind her, and went out through the back window. Now that's creepy!
     I feel sorry for the bear though...and for the 2 people killed...but more for the bear.

If you want to read the whole story here's a link:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Make your own Barbra Streisand song ?!


This is the link where you'll find how you can customize your own Barbra Streisand song. Don't worry, it doesn't involve any editing, or whatsoever. Chances are, that if you managed to get to this page on your own, you'll do just fine on that website.
How it works... well, you input your name in your language (if it's available from the drop down list) and the song shall commence (give it some time to think it out, it usually takes about 30 seconds to customize your song).
What you'll have accomplished is that instead of hearing "Barbra Streisand" in the song, you'll hear whatever you've written. It's really a neat piece of crap that ultimately does you no good. But hey, you can brag about it to your friends :P

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Here we go my english speaking friend...


It's been some time now since I've started posting on a blog in my native language. Well why not go into English mode ? So here we are, friends, up and ready (admittedly with just 5 clicks) to share opinions on different things, each non-relevant to the other.

If you need to contact me you may do so (but NOT in the interests of the almighty SPAM) at andrei.avasi@gmail.com . If you want, you can actually send cookies and your own versions of a story and your own stories (don't worry, credit will be given).

Imagine this is my little coffee shop and you all get free coffee...now sit! and let's talk.