Thursday, June 9, 2011

"When pigs fly" just got a new dimension of realism

     No, there was no mutant pig born with wings, and no, neither any Nazi experiment came to life. And despite the title, this isn't about pigs flying. It's about something a lot bigger. A bear flew...and killed two canadians.
     Apparently in an extra-freaky accident, a bear was crossing the street just happy that he finished eating dinner a couple of minutes before, when, he was hit by a car. Well, nothing freaky here. Yea, while usually animals hit by cars don't fly...this one did...into another car's windshield. And it didn't just stop there, it flew right through the car, killing the driver and a man sitting behind her, and went out through the back window. Now that's creepy!
     I feel sorry for the bear though...and for the 2 people killed...but more for the bear.

If you want to read the whole story here's a link:

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